Mexico’s traditional cuisine, a cultural heritage as declared by UNESCO, holds a unique place in the world as one of only four culinary traditions globally to achieve this designation.

Not only does it represent a comprehensive landscape of agriculture, culinary techniques, and customs, but it also offers a rich seasonal experience, particularly in autumn, a time celebrated for the versatility and flavor of Mexican avocados.
The avocado, or Persea Americana, dates back over 10,000 years, originating in the state of Puebla, with cultivation by Mesoamerican tribes recorded as early as 5,000 years ago. This revered “sacred fruit” stands as a symbol of the deep-rooted agricultural practices central to Mexican culture.
According to a report by Avocados from Mexico, the unique environment of Michoacán, with its mountainous terrain, volcanic soil, and moderate climate, provides the perfect setting for cultivating avocados year-round. The region’s natural irrigation and sunlight enable the maintenance of 54,000 orchards at various altitudes, ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 feet, allowing the crop to flourish with minimal seasonal interruption.
The cyclic nature of avocado blooming is another marvel in Mexico’s agricultural calendar. Orchards bloom across four cycles, adjusting to differing altitudes and temperatures, ensuring a steady supply of fresh fruit. The primary bloom, known as the “normal bloom,” spans from September to February and accounts for most of the avocados harvested.

Meanwhile, the “Loca” and “Marzena” blooms, which produce round-shaped avocados, occur from June to September and March to June, respectively. During autumn, the Aventajada, or advantaged bloom, brings pear-shaped avocados to market, giving consumers the ideal opportunity to enjoy their creamy, buttery texture and slightly nutty flavor at its peak.
Mexico’s avocados are cultivated with meticulous care, as each tree can yield up to a million flowers, though only a fraction will mature into fruit. Harvesting is done by hand to preserve the quality, as avocados cannot be exported once they touch the ground.
This careful handling underscores the high value placed on Mexican avocados, a sentiment echoed by Chef Pati Jinich, Avocados From Mexico’s first culinary ambassador.
“Avocados are a piece of home and such an iconic Mexican product that represents the flavors I grew up with,”
Known for her dedication to Mexican cuisine, she highlights avocados as the ultimate ingredient that enhances various recipes.
In terms of health benefits, avocados are nutritional powerhouses, providing essential nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and sodium, along with vitamins C, E, K, and B9. Known for their heart-health benefits, avocados boast over 75% monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, with no cholesterol, making them a staple in heart-healthy diets.
Avocados From Mexico aims to spread the warmth and spirit associated with Mexican gatherings. Their focus on quality from cultivation through distribution aligns with a vision of bringing people together to enjoy the rich flavors and nutritious qualities of avocados.