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Colombian Avocado Exports Set for Significant Growth in 2024

Colombian Avocado Exports Set for Significant Growth in 2024

Colombian avocado exports are poised for substantial growth in 2024, with projections indicating a 16 to 20 percent increase in shipments, potentially reaching 141,000 tons.

Ricardo Uribe, CEO of Cartama, Colombia’s largest avocado producer-exporter, shared these insights with Agraria, highlighting the ongoing expansion of the industry.

As stated in a report by Produce Blue Book, this growth trajectory reflects Colombia’s sustained double and triple-digit annual increases and the maturation of its avocado-producing regions.

During the peak of the season, the U.S. market can expect over 50 containers of Colombian avocados weekly, with volumes gradually tapering off as the season progresses.

This year-round availability is facilitated by Colombia’s tropical climate, which supports two harvest campaigns: the cross season and the main season, from September to January.

Today, more than a dozen state-of-the-art packinghouses and over 400 growers are certified to ship Hass avocados to the U.S. market, underscoring the industry’s robust infrastructure.

Manuel Michel, executive director of the Colombian Avocado Board (CAB), emphasized the economic and sustainable benefits that the avocado sector brings to the country.

He noted that Colombia’s rich agricultural heritage and commitment to biodiversity are key factors driving the sector’s success.

“The CAB is excited to be part of the ongoing development and to support avocado growers, exporters, and importers as they invest in Colombia and capitalize on their logistical advantage to the East Coast of the United States,” Michel stated.

The 2023 season concluded with record shipments exceeding 32 million pounds, and forecasts for 2024 suggest a further increase of over 50 percent, aiming for a total volume of 50 million pounds for the full year.

This impressive growth not only reflects the increasing demand for Colombian avocados but also highlights the country’s strategic importance in the global avocado market.

These developments are expected to continue driving economic development and sustainability efforts within the sector, solidifying Colombia’s position as a leading avocado exporter.

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